Urgent Dispatch:

Politicians, Bankers, and Corporate Executives Are Making a Fortune in the Markets… 

What If You Could See Exactly What They're Trading?

Nancy Pelosi has a net worth of $200 million.

You know how much her salary is? 

Just $223,500. 

So, how do you think she got so rich? 

Let me give you a hint:
In June, her husband purchased $5 million worth of options NVIDIA, a semiconductor company. 

Three weeks later, Congress approved the CHIPS Act, which handed out $50 billion in subsidies to semiconductor companies.

Pretty good timing right?

But it’s not just NVIDIA.

Visa, Warner Bros, Apple, Microsoft.1
The Pelosi family has made major trades in all of these companies…

Just a short time before MAJOR NEWS caused their stock prices to soar. 

All told, Nancy Pelosi has added $140 million to her net worth since 2008.ii 

But it’s not just Pelosi doing it, either.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle from Dan Crenshaw of Texas to Peter Welch of Vermont are beating the returns of the S&P 500 at an amazing rate.iii

Something most hedge fund managers can’t even accomplish! 

How are they doing it? 


America’s elite – the politicians, the CEOS, board members, regulators – all have access to information.

Inside information.

And they use that information to enrich themselves beyond belief.

Check out Terns Pharmaceutical. 

On August 10th, two directors at Terns bought a combined 6 million in shares for a total cost of $16 million.
What happened next? 

Terns Pharmaceutical’s share price jumped 159% over the next two months! iv
Or look at Ardelyx Inc.

On August 31st, they had a massive insider buying spree. 
Everyone from the CEO and CFO, to the Chief Medical Officer and other executives went piling in. 

I wonder why? 

Well, it didn’t take long to find out. 

On September 7th, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Ardelyx’s new ALS drug. 

And shares climbed from just $0.62 all the way to a $1.61.v
That’s a 125% gain

In just a little over 30 days!

If you had been able to invest alongside Ardelyx’s insiders, you could have turned $2.500 into $5,625 in just a little over a month!

But you didn’t. 

You know why? 

Because the game is rigged against you. 

While you’re putting money into your 401(k) and slaving away just to get a couple more dollars for your retirement…

Wealthy elites are laughing at you as they rack up millions of dollars in stock trades again and again

And we’re not just talking triple-digit winners, either.

Look at Nocopi Technologies, an education technology company. 
Back in April, a major shareholder loaded up on 225,000 shares of the Nocopi stock. 

At just $0.16 a share, his total cost was just $36,000. 

Pretty affordable, by public company insider standards.

But by October, that $36,000 had turned into $787,500 as the stock soared over 2,000%.vi
And look at Invesco Mortgage Inc.
In early May, the President, CFO, and CEO all loaded up on a combined 37,000 shares. 

What happened afterwards? 

Invesco stock handed them a 555% return! 

I mean, the list is truly endless. 
Just look at all of these MASSIVE stock gains that happened after insiders piled in.
  • NGM Biopharmaceuticals – 357% gain!
  • DigitalBridge Group Inc – 119% gain!
  • RAVE Restaurant Group Inc – 82% gain!
  • Quest Resource Holding Corp – 96% gain!
  • Seeing Sight Medical Products inc – 107% gain!
  • Stabilis Solutions Inc – 172% gain!
  • Annaly Capital Management Inc – 205% gain!
  • American Virtual Cloud Technologies Inc – 333% gain!
  • Pennsylvania Real Estate investment Trust – 627% gain!
  • Quantum Energy Inc – 4,066% gain!
And there’s many, many more.

The average time it took these gains to play out? 

Around 3 months. 

And all of these massive returns happened while the market was melting down 25%...

Inflation was skyrocketing…

And Americans were adding billions of dollars worth of credit card debt just to keep pace with the crumbling economy! 

Like the great George Carlin once said:

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” 

But it’s time to change that. 

It’s time for you to join the club, and discover how you can trade alongside the insiders…

And potentially claim your own massive gains! 

You see, all the trades I showed you above were 100% legal. 

There’s no reason for America’s elite to break the law, because they don’t have to. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission allows them to do all of this completely legally. 

The only thing they have to do? 

Have their lawyers file one simple form. 

It’s called a Form 4. 

This is what it looks like. 
As long as a CEO, CFO, or board member discloses their stock trade within 48 hours of executing it…

Well, they can buy or sell as many shares as they want without breaking any laws.

Now, there’s plenty of reason that an insider would sell stock. 

But like famed investor Peter Lynch once said, there’s only one reason why insiders buy stock:

Because they think the price will rise. 

And since these Form 4s are publicly available…

Anyone with enough time, resources, and financial know-how can see when insiders are scooping up shares by the boatload!

But that’s a lot easier said than done. 

There are 58,200 publicly traded companies in the United States. 

And when you consider that each of these companies has at least a dozen top executives who could have inside information on when a stock will move…

Well, you would have to track hundreds of thousands of fillings every week!

That’s impossible for most people. 

But here’s where we can help. 

We have access to a proprietary data platform that’s used by Wall Street insiders themselves…

And we have a live data feed of major insider buying activity as it takes place in real-time

If you wanted to manually file through all the Form 4s, you would have to glue your eyes to the SEC’s website 24 hours a day…

And open, read, and analyze every single Form 4 that’s filed.

Besides the obvious time sink, why is that a bad idea?
Well, for one, not every Form 4 is important. 

For instance, if a CEO just exercises his stock options after leading a company for the prescribed time…

That doesn’t tell us anything about what the share price will do. 

Not only that, but Form 4’s have to be filed when insiders sell, too.

So, a large portion of them won’t tell us anything about the share price rising. 

But by leveraging Wall Street’s own proprietary data platform…

We can filter out all of that useless Form 4 activity and hone in on only the insider activity that could mean a stock is about to skyrocket up. 

For a Form 4 to indicate a “Buy” signal, it has to meet a couple of key criteria:

It needs to be an open market trade. 

This means that the insider has to buy the stock just like you or I would. If it’s awarded off-market, it doesn’t mean that the insider is buying in anticipation of the share price increasing

Cluster buying.

You know what’s better than one insider buying? Three or more insiders buying, all at the same time. This is called cluster buying, and it’s a very strong signal that something could be about to happen to the share price. 

High-powered insider activity.

We don’t care if some mid-level project manager bought $100 worth of shares. We care about the CEO who just dropped $5 million on 100,000 shares of his own company. That means something BIG could be about to unfold. 

Our platform allows us to filter through every Form 4 as it’s filed…

And isolate only the most important, potentially lucrative insider filings the minute they happen

Insider trades are often filed just a couple of days before the stock begins to move.

For instance, on May 10th, the CEO of RAPT Therapeutics bought 5,000 shares of RAPT. 
Literally the next day, the share price began to climb…

Eventually topping out at a 300% gain by late August. 
But if you had access to our exclusive data…

We would have sent you an alert the minute the trade showed up on our radar…

And you could have ridden RAPT the entire way up.
The same thing happened again on May 16th with Array Technologies.

The Chief Commercial Officer scooped up over 1,000 shares.

The next day, shares of Array Technologies jumped 14%.

90 days later, the price had skyrocketed 240%! 
Had you started loading up your shares right alongside the Chief Commercial Officer, you could have turned $2,500 into $8,500! 

That would have paid for whatever summer vacation you took this year and then some. 

If you were trying to track all of this yourself, you would lose critical time. 

And when an insider trade can make a big move within just a day or two of filling…

Well, time is the last thing you have to waste. 
Just look at what happened with Logiq Inc., a consumer software company. 

On October 4th, the President of the company bought a whopping 178,000 shares for $62,300. 
Remember how I mentioned one of our key criteria for recommending a trade is high-powered insider activity?

Well, the President snapping up 178,000 shares for $62k certainly checks that box. 

And it didn’t take long for the move to happen. 

By October 13th – just 9 days later – Logiq’s share price had spiked by 28%! 
And this was happening while the overall markets were having some of their worst days in years! 

But that’s my point:

Inflation may be soaring, the economy might be tanking, but the 0.01% are still going to get richer.

And now you can set yourself up to join them

This is just the way the world works.

While the middle class is crushed, while the working class suffers, the rich keep on making money. 

Have you wondered why the Federal Reserve was so slow to respond to inflation?

Because they don’t feel it’s bite. 
Gas rises a dollar or two?

It won’t cause a single thing in their life to change. 

But for most Americans? 

Who are working hard just to get by? 

All of a sudden their costs of living has gone up 50%, 100%. 
But their pay hasn’t increased. 

Now, they’re just getting poorer with each trip to the gas station or grocery store. 

What I’m showing you is a path to help level the playing field. 

To piggyback off what the richest members of society are doing…

And use that information to learn how to better your own situation. 

That’s why I’ve created a special service called

Insider Intelligence

that I’m inviting you to join today.

This is how you stick it to the politicians, the corporate bigwigs, and the bankers. 

Using our proprietary data stream, Insider Intelligence isolates an average of one powerful insider trade each week. 
We filter out any trade that doesn’t meet our three criteria:
  • An open market trade
  • An open market trade
  • An open market trade
These three steps immediately filter out 99% of trades.

But there’s still work to do. 

From this initial basket of trade ideas, we investigate each one individually. 

Just because insiders are buying, doesn’t mean that a trade will be a winner. 

Plenty fail. And anybody who tells you that they have a 100% success rate, or that every trade is guaranteed – you need to run from those people.
But this is why we spend so much time analyzing each potential trade before we send it to you.

We want every recommendation we make to have the highest chance of success. 
So, we dive into the financials. 

We break down each company’s balance sheet, their P/E ratios, debts, and cash flows.
We make sure they’re on solid ground financially. 

Many of our recommendations will be penny stocks, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be great money-makers. 

In fact, small to penny cap companies that are managed well can offer rewards far and above badly-managed large companies. 

Once we’re confident that we’ve found the cream of the crop, we send you an:

Insider Trade Alert

Each of these emails will give you a new trade idea.

We’ll break down the insider activity we’re seeing on the company. We’ll show you who’s buying, and how much they’re buying. 
We’ll also give you a rundown on the company itself, it’s financials, and any potential catalysts that could be causing the insider to load up on shares. 

Each weekly trade idea will include the ticker symbol and suggested buy price. 

These are time-sensitive emails that you should open immediately. 

Insider Exit Alert

Each of these trades are expected to start taking off withing a few days after you receive them. 

How long will we maintain our positions? That varies. In some cases, it will be a few weeks…others will take a few months. 
But whenever it’s time to get out, you’ll receive an exit alert letting you know that the trade has run its course, and that it’s time to hopefully take our profits. 
And to make sure you can access all of the trades at any time, you’ll also get access to:

Insider Intelligence Member Site

This is where you’ll find all our trades – both active and closed. 
I’ll also post links to the actual Form 4 filing here, so you can do your own detective work if you want to. 

Plus, every entry and exit alert email will be archived here in case you can’t find it in your inbox. 

Our Rockstar Customer Service Team

If you have any questions whatsoever about your membership, reach out to our customer service team and they’ll take care of you. 
So, just to recap, when you join Insider Intelligence, you’ll get: 
  • Weekly Insider Trade Alert
  • Insider Exit Alert
  • Insider Intelligence Member Site
  • Rockstar Customer Service 
Now, the trades I’ll be sending you are riskier than your garden variety mutual funds. 

Not all of them will be winners. 

But you know how we fix that? 

We cut our losers fast and let our winners run. 

And you’re going to be getting up to 4 trades each and every month. 

So, one winner could easily make up for a small number of losses. 

But here’s what I think you’re going to love the most: 

You’ll be able to try out all of this for $1495 a year.

You can subscribe to Insider Intelligence right now for $1495 a year! 

We think this research service offers a tremendous value at $1495. 

But you don't have to take our word for it! Join today and if you don't like it for any reason, we'll send you every penny of your membership fee back.

Because if you subscribe right now, through this page:

You’ll be protected by our 100% 90-Day
Money-Back Guarantee

You’ll have 90 days to test out Insider Intelligence.

If you aren’t happy with it for whatever reason, simply email our customer service team and you’ll get a full refund of your membership price.
So, don’t wait. 

Just click the button below join Insider Intelligence. 

And let’s start trading like an insider. 
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By clicking on the “Complete My Order” button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy; to receive our promotional and editorial emails; and that your subscription to Insider Intelligence will automatically renew each quarter (every 3 months) at your special promotional price of $299, but you can cancel any time before that by emailing customer service. You are also entitled to claim a full refund by reaching out to customer service at any point during the 90 day trial period.
To your wealth, 

Alex Reid
i. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4534829-trading-like-nancy-pelosi

ii. https://nypost.com/2022/10/05/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-has-accrued-millions-from-husbands-trades-report/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter

iii. https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1481424147024474115?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1481424147024474115%7Ctwgr%5E2510072aeaaf56d9c553886429bd896c122305b9%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftexassignal.com%2Fdan-crenshaws-stock-trading-yielded-the-fifth-highest-return-in-congress%2F

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